“Having met Martin in 2012, in the Himalayas, amongst an elite group of injured ex servicemen attempting to summit Everest he stood out even then. None of the team were able to summit that year but there was no doubting that Martin would be back and he duly succeeded in 2019.

Martin embodies and personifies the success of having very clear objectives, detailed planning, endeavour , determination and resilience in overcoming the adversity of losing the full use of his body and a career he loved, whilst becoming an inspiration, and supporting others, who have suffered in a similar way. As an example of the culture values that we at Olympian Homes aspire to there can be no finer example than Martin”

- Mark Slatter, Founder and Chairman of Olympian Homes and lead sponsor of the 2019 AGS Everest Expedition, the 2017 Aconcagua Expedition and the South Pole, Mt Vincent 2021 Expedition.

